Write Angle
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Write Angle

  Founded: September 25, 2019

About this Club

The official literary club of PESU, Write Angle aims to bring together like minded people who have a proclivity for literature. The club has around 200 members in its community group who participate in writing tasks and events conducted by the club. The community is a forum for writers to share their work and to give and receive constructive criticism. An ‘A Team’ of 20 members are additionally involved in curating and conducting events and overseeing the club’s online presence. Write Angle has hosted 3 open mics so far, which have provided budding poets, musicians and artists a platform to be a part of an eclectic melange of performances encompassing music, stand-up comedy and multilingual poetry. The club also conducts various other literary events like ‘Blackout Poetry’, ‘Slam Poetry’ and ‘Lit Quizzes’. Members of the club take part in intercollegiate fests in and out of Bangalore. The club is an environment of avid readers and writers who come together with shared passion to engage in fun activities relevant to literature and its art. Office bearers : Manah Shetty Khushei Meghana Meda Khushi Sahay
  • #Others
  • September 25, 2019
  • Viewed - 3582
  • Liked - 1389