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Commerce club
  Founded: November 14, 2019

About this Club

Shevadhi, is the commerce club, an integrated part of commerce department, PES University. As a club, we bring together some of the blazing minds interested in exploring the ever changing dynamics of commerce as it is definitely the choice to choose the commerce stream in today's scenario. The sole objective of the club is to line up at keeping members abeam with the latest trends in marketing,business management,corporate administration, advertisements, research, sales, digital marketing, entrepreneurship, Artificial Intelligence to name a few. We have been organizing a number of creative and innovative events throughout the year. Some of the events conducted previous year are as follows : • Product launch • Best entrepreneurship • Just A Minute (JAM) • Debate(Impact of GST on Indian economy) This club provides an ample of innovative opportunities to each and every student so that students are free to participate, discover their hidden talents and to develop in them a feeling of team spirit. Our club is outstanding because of the immense support extended by our management, we can reach to each and every corner of the world and people through this digital platform. We are organizing more and more innovative, laborious, gruelling and provocative events this year. Our intrinsic goal is to extemporize our knowledge on the ongoing happening in the world ingeniously.
  • #Technical
  • November 14, 2019
  • Viewed - 2901
  • Liked - 151