Debate Society
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Debate Society

  Founded: September 25, 2019

About this Club

The PES Debating Society competes in Asian and British parliamentary debates on a national and international scale. We are well known for our annual tournament, the PES Debate, which has in it's previous iterations played host to some of the best speakers and adjudicators from around the world. We hold weekly practice sessions and participate in tournaments every other weekend. The activity includes speaking for over seven minutes continuously after a minimal preparation time. Debate motions can vary from international and national news, social movements, sports, different religions of the world and many more. Students of any year and branch can join the club. Our recruitment process involves filling a form followed by interviews. Here, we look for cogency in arguments and an active interest in learning more. We can train you in speaking itself if the prior criteria is met. Our previous accomplishments include: Winners at MS Ramaiah Memorial Parliamentary Debate X 2019, Winners at Christ University Parliamentary Debate 2016, Winners at MIT Debate 2016, Winners at Bits Goa Parliamentary Debate 2016; Finalists at Ramaiah Inter-varsity III 2019, Finalists at IIT Bombay 2018, Finalists at SMC PD 2017, Finalists at NLUO PD 2016, Finalists at VIT Debate 2016, Semi Finalists MS Ramaiah Memorial Parliamentary Debate IX 2018, Quarter Finalists Gujarat NLU 2019, Quarter Finalists Christ University Parliamentary Debate 2019. Octo Finalists Christ University Parliamentary Debate 2018. Our adjudicators have also been invited to judge at Asia Debate Open Guangzhou 2019, Malaysia Pre-Asians 2019 and Malaysia Debate Open and many other domestic tournaments. Office bearers : Vinamre Dhar, Aayushi Sanghi, Abhishek Sinha
  • #Others
  • September 25, 2019
  • Viewed - 2502
  • Liked - 71