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Fashion club
  Founded: November 14, 2019

About this Club

Fashion is like eating, you shouldn't stick to the same menu.Here we bring together our heels and shoes to concoct a feast to the trend, of this fashion era.After all, here we bring in our trend innovations over the wardrobe and infuse it with style statement, while we do it with meraki. It not only shows different ways to wear an outfit or what piece of apparel can go with another but, setting up your own exclusive style is the exquisite part. A piece of fabric, cut and stitched into a form  to leave behind astounding trails through the run way of the ramp as we walk up to the true essence of fashion. After all these years at the PESU, HN campus, now is the time experience the Renaissance of fashion world. Successfully setting up a fashion forum officially in the history of the campus, the team and the staff in-charge is experiencing constant triumphs within a short span of time after coming into existence. "BHUSHAARITIH"  the most pure form of word in Sanskrit to say "fashion", reflects itself how collosal and how it reverb carrying in the culture not to forget. To mention, India was the first country to cultivate and use cotton in clothing even as early as 2500 BCE. Having had a pre-eminent history in fashion and reigning it in it's own way, here at bhushaaritih we inculcate the international fashion with our cultural heritage. This official fashion club shall continue forever on the path of glory and for all these, the word is... BHUSHAARITIH!
  • #Creative
  • November 14, 2019
  • Viewed - 3111
  • Liked - 91